Monday, February 28, 2011

Blog Post 6

Social Network-learning- This was a great video and I actually learned some things from this video that I didn't know about. I like the way the video used drawings of cartoons to do the skit/video. It shows that you don't have to always have elaborate use of technology to get the point across. I know we read a blog a while back on how to use your ipod, but I guess I missed the part about actually going to ItunesU. That is really awesome that we have access to colleges and books all over the world that we can put on our ipod.
This video showed how children in the classroom are able to learn through the internet and social networks. Blogging and podcasts can allow the students to learn valuable information with other students around the world or share their information.  After learning so much about podcasts the past couple of weeks, they have become something I am really interested in. At the beginning of the semester I said that, I don't think technology should be so involved in the classrooms, what will happen to the teachers? Now, I am all for technology in the classroom, because it allows such useful information for students around the world. The teacher is going to be used to help the students know how to use the internet and the social networks appropriately. I know there have been plenty of times where I have questioned the information I was using that I found on the internet.
 Welcome to my PLE- 
This video was very informative for me, because to be honest I was a bit confused on what exactly a PLN was. The student did a great job of showing how exactly a PLE is organized and created. The girl showed how she had her classwork, blogs, and social networks organized on each line. I think this is great way to keep school work organized and to know what assignments you need to get taken care of everyday. I am really excited about making my PLN now. I think my PLN will help me keep organized with different assignments I need to do during the week, because I can just go right to it. I have several things every week that require me to be online to do assignments.
Smart Boards:
Both of the people who wrote the blog about smart boards, you can of course tell they are not fans of them. You would think after the arguments possibly my opinions towards smartboards would change but I completely disagree with these people. They both argued that it wasn't worth the money that the schools spend on it and they are basically like trophies for the administrators. I wish when I was a student we would have had smart boards, because I remember just getting excited about going to the chalk board, I couldn't imagine how excited I would be to play on a smart board. The smart board gives students the ability to be interactive in the classroom. There are so many activities and learning opportunities on smartboards.  I found a blog with someone talking about how smartboards and other uses of technology are helpful in the classroom. Edweek-positive smartboards This blog talked about how the smartboards and computers can be helpful in the classroom for students.


  1. Hey Ashley, I have loved reading your feedback about social networking, PLE, and smartboards. I loved the first video also and I also was not quite sure what exactly a PLE was until I watched the second video! Those both showed really great points and I agree with your post also. My opinion in the smartboards is, I LOVE them. I do not agree with those two men at all. The last two years in highschool we got smartboards and they were so beneficial!!! Thank you for sharing! I love reading other peoples opinions and what they think! I hope you are enjoying learning about technology and the use of it in EDM 310 as much as I am!!!

  2. I see that you are starting to feel better about technology in the classroom. That is good! I think that technology will not get rid of the teacher, but only change the teachers role in the classroom.

    I'm glad that the PLN video was helpful. Now you can start to really get your ideas going!

    I am glad that you think smartboards are useful. I really think that teachers need to understand that kids love smartboards. I think that is motivation enough to get them into the classroom so they can want to learn something!

    Good post Ashley!

    Stephen Akins
