Friday, February 25, 2011

C4K Post

My first kid was from a blog sight called blog Building Blocks associated with Classroom March 2011 Edublog Blogging Challenge. I was assigned to a young girl named Nicole and for her assignment she had to list down eight random things about herself. The most interesting thing about her to me was that she has seen a shooting star with her best friend next to her. I have seen a shooting star, but never with someone next to me. I also thought it was interesting that the fact she has only been to the United States one time was one of them. I started to think about eight interesting things about myself after reading this, I always find it hard to come up with things like that.
My next student was Flora at Pt. England School in Auckland, New Zealand. She is in Room 13 and her teacher's name is Miss King. The room numbers are how they organize the website to get to the classrooms blog easily. In Flora's first blog assignment she talked about how she excited was to be getting her netbook. She talked about the day they got the netbooks and were able to open up themselves and charge them so they could get them to turn on. Flora also talked about how after they got their netbooks they had to go to morning tea, which I thought was interesting. In the United States most schools have "snack time" for young students in the schools. In New Zealand they obviously have Morning Tea. Just opens my eyes to how awesome it is that we are talking to young kids around the world.
My third student was Mr. Wolfe's class and they are the first group of children from Alabama we have been able to blog with. This blog was very creative, detailed, and had lots of pictures. I was impressed that a child made this blog, because all of their assignment were very detailed with great pictures. I commented on the post about her being excited about the Valentine's dance, because she had a partner. I remember being excited about going to dances when I was younger. Unfortunately I didn't get a response from any of the students, but I really enjoyed reading all of their posts.

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